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With US RN you can work as a registered nurse in Canada

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  • With US RN you can work as a registered nurse in Canada

By 2022, Canada will require over 60,000 nurses, according to Canadian Nurses Association (CNA). According to industry-focused organizations like the World Economic Forum, they are not only in demand now, but will be for the next ten years. The overall number of required nurses is expected to more than double in the next ten years, to a frightening 142,000.

Immigration has been mentioned as one approach for resolving the nursing shortage. The country will be able to improve health services for all Canadians by bringing in foreign nurses. Nurses from other countries who want to come to Canada and start a career in healthcare can apply for a variety of immigration schemes.

According to the new rule now the nurses with US NCLEX RN can work as a registered nurse in Canada. We, RNForce help the nurses who are working with temporary permit in Canada to get US NCLEX RN and with this they can be a registered nurse in Canada. For more details please Contact US.

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